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Italy elected to the Human Rights Council for the periodo 2019-2021

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, shared its satisfaction for the important recognition represented by the election of Italy to the UN Human Rights Council, for the period 2019-2021, with 180 votes from the UN General Assembly.

“The very high number of votes express by member States of the United Nations in favour of our candidature – highlighted the Minister – demonstrates the significant and firm appreciation by the whole international commonity for the intense and constant commitment of Italy for the protection and promotion of human rights. Rights that are a pillar of our juridic system and a point of reference of the Italian foreign policy. Such a wide consensus was possible thanks to the effective action, brought on with coherence, determination and genuine team spirit, thanks to the mobilization of the entire diplomatic network of Farnesina”.

In his three yeasr mandate, Italy wants to promote a rigorous approach towards the respect of human rights in the world. In particular, it will give special attention to some prioritary themes: the condemnation of all forms of xenophobia; the contrast to religious discriminations and the full exdercise of religious freedom; the protection of children and minors; the concrete protection of people with disabilities; the effective parity between women in society; the fight against smuggling of human beings; the extension of the moratorium against the death penalty in the world; the protection of cultural heritage. We want to keep staying next to those who defend and genuinely supports human rights.