The Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations and other International Organizations in in Geneva, Ambassador Vincenzo Grassi, took the floor today during the Interactive Dialogue with the International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, in the framework of the 54th session of the Human Rights Council.
“Italy thanks the Commission of Inquiry for its latest comprehensive report, shedding light on persisting practices of arbitrary detention, torture, enforced disappearances and denial of consent for humanitarian access based on political differences”, stated Ambassador Grassi.
The Permanent Representative of Italy then pointed out that “Twelve years into the conflict, the status quo in Syria remains unacceptable, as all actors on the ground continue to violate systematically their obligations under international human rights and humanitarian law.”
Ambassador Grassi urged “all parties to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance to those in need” and to “create the conditions for voluntary, safe and dignified return of refugees”, welcoming “the recent establishment of the Independent Institution on Missing Persons (IIMP), which should urgently become operational “to assist families in the search of their missing relatives ”.
In conclusion the Permanent Representative reiterated that “failure to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis should not come at the expense of the fundamental rights of the Syrian people” and reiterated full support of Italy “to the essential work of the Commission of Inquiry and the IIIM in the fight against impunity”.
Read the full statement.