Deputy Minister Del Re: Covid19, Italy adheres to UN women’s rights appeal
Deputy Minister Emanuela Del Re has joined, on behalf of Italy, the joint statement, promoted at the United Nations by South Africa and Sweden and signed by 59 countries, for the protection of women’s sexual and reproductive rights and the promotion of the gender perspective in response to Coronavirus pandemic. “Our country has always been […]
Read morePrime Minister Giuseppe Conte takes part to the launch of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Treatments to COVID-19
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte took part today to the launch of the Global Collaboration to accelerate the development, production and equitable global access to new COVID-19 essential health technologies. Watch the video of the launch event
Read moreCOVID-19: Vice-Minister Del Re speaks with ICRC president
Vice Minister Emanuela Del Re had a telephone conversation with the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Peter Maurer. On 26 March last, the ICRC, together with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), presented a plan to combat the COVID-19 emergency in countries and crisis areas, […]
Read morePM Decree on measures to contain the COVID-19
The new Prime Minister Decree on restrictive measures adopted to contain the spread of the COVID-19 in Italy:
Read moreStatement by President Mattarella on the 70° anniversary of the World Health Day
President Mattarella delivered the following statement of the occasion of World Health Day: «La Giornata Mondiale della Salute ricorre quest’anno mentre l’intero pianeta è chiamato ad affrontare una pericolosa pandemia, causata da un virus ancora per molti aspetti sconosciuto e assai temibile soprattutto per la popolazione più anziana e le persone deboli, già affette da […]
Read moreFocus Coronavirus
Check the special section of the website of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs dedicated to COVID-19. Norms, FAQs, speeches, interviews and useful links:
Read moreCoronavirus. Statement by President Mattarella
The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella delivered the following statement: «Mi permetto nuovamente, care concittadine e cari concittadini, di rivolgermi a voi, nel corso di questa difficile emergenza, per condividere alcune riflessioni. Ne avverto il dovere. La prima si traduce in un pensiero rivolto alle persone che hanno perso la vita a causa di […]
Read moreThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs launches the campaign #WeAreItaly
The campaign #WeAreItaly #StayTunedOnIt launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to promote the most creative and vital Italy in the world in the days of the Coronavirus has just started. Andrea Bocelli, Uto Ughi, Tiziano Ferro, Paolo Fresu, Ada Montellanico, Nek, Andrea Griminelli, Rita Marcotulli, Fabrizio Bosso and many others have joined the initiative […]
Read moreDecree on quarantine of persons entering Italy
Pursuant to the Decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, adopted in coordination with the Minister of Health no. 120 of 17-03-2020, all persons who enter Italy, even if asymptomatic to COVID-19, are obliged to self-isolation for a period of 14 days, with the exception of those who transit or stay in Italy for […]
Read moreHuman Rights Council: Universal Periodic Review of Italy
As part of the work of its 43rd session, the Human Rights Council approved today the report of Italy’s Universal Periodic Review, a verification mechanism among States on the implementation of fundamental rights and freedoms. I taly accepted 95% of the recommendations received from other States (292 out of 306) confirming, ias stated by Ambassador […]
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