The Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations in Geneva, Ambassador Gian Lorenzo Cornado, intervened today at the Interactive Dialogue with the Fact-Finding Mission on Libya during the 48th Session of the Human Rights Council. He expressed appreciation for the work done so far by the Members of the FFM, particularly difficult due to the complexity of the context on the ground and further aggravated by the COVID-19 restrictions.
Ambassador Cornado restated Italy’s deep concern by the human rights violations and international humanitarian law breaches that happened and that are still occurring in Libya, including the attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructures. He therefore underlined the need for ensuring full accountability for those responsible of such violations, as fighting impunity and restoring justice is of utmost importance to foster peace and national reconciliation.
Finally, Ambassador Cornado highlighted that the role of Fact-Finding Mission remains critically relevant, urging the Council to renew its mandate, in order to allow the members of the FFM to fully implement their mission and calling on all parties to grant immediate, unimpeded and free access to the members of the FFM.