Mr. President,
First of all, I would like to thank the experts for the interesting presentations that they have delivered, to which we have listened very carefully.
Italy aligns itself with the statement delivered by the European Union. I would like to add some remarks in my national capacity.
Mr. President,
we have been following the situation in the Korean peninsula with great attention and increasing concern.
We strongly condemn the DPRK’s nuclear proliferation and missiles program. They are a serious breach of the international law and of the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions. We also condemn in the strongest terms the launch of a ballistic missile overflying Japan on 29 August, which represents a dangerous act, a growing matter of concern, as well as yet another clear violation of multiple Security Council Resolutions.
Our condemnation is even stronger since the test was conducted on the recurrence of the International Day Against Nuclear Tests.
It is of the utmost importance that the international community remains cohesive in its response. In this vein, we welcome the unanimous adoption of the UNSC Resolution n. 2371 (2017) and yesterday’s emergency meeting of the Security Council.
Italy fully support these initiatives, which are clear and significant signals of a common unity of purpose within the international community.
We are convinced that we have to work in order to convince the DPRK to engage in a credible denuclearization path respectful of the relevant international obligations, thus paving the way for a peaceful solution. I wish to underline that sanctions are not a goal in itself, but an essential tool to convince the DPRK to change its path.
As Chair of the 1718 Committee within the UN Security Council, Italy continues to work with the wider UN membership for the full implementation of sanctions, notably through regional outreach meetings, which have proved very useful in disseminating information and best practices.
In addition, our Permanent Representation in New York is planning to organize an open meeting with the membership before the start of next General Assembly in order to explain in deeper details the measures imposed by resolution 2371, so that they can be properly implemented.
Thank you Mr. President.