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Ginevra: l’Italia interviene al Consiglio di Amministrazione dell’ILO

Il Consiglio di amministrazione dell’Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro è l’organo esecutivo dell’Organizzazione. Nel corso di tre riunioni annue, è chiamato, tra le altre cose, a prendere decisioni relative alla politica dell’OIL, decidere l’agenda della Conferenza Internazionale del Lavoro, adottare la bozza di programma e bilancio dell’Organizzazione che verrà poi sottoposta alla Conferenza e nominare il Direttore Generale.

In occasione della 337 sessione dei lavori del Consiglio di Amministrazione OIL (24 ottobre-7 novembre 2019) l’Italia è intervenuta a sostegno delle attività del Centro di Formazione internazionale dell’OIL di Torino, sottolineando,assieme al contributo finanziario italiano, l’impegno del Direttore e del suo team per la sostenibilità del Centro.

Intervento del Rappresentante Permanente Gian Lorenzo Cornado:

The Italian government reaffirms the continued support to the International Training Centre of the ILO. The financial support of Italy to the Centre is exemplified in the form of an ex-lege annual contribution in the amount of €7.85 million as well as a voluntary contribution which amounts to €1.6 million. In particular, we would like to emphasise the additional Italian Government’s financial commitment to the Centre in the allocation of 3 million Euros for the renovation of the pavilions Africa 10 and 11 with a view to creating a new Innovation Learning Lab. We expect that the renovation project will be carried out within the allocated budget and on a timely basis.

The Italian government fully supports the Programme and Budget of the Centre for the biennium 2020-21, as it was approved by the Turin Board on 25 October 2019. In this regard, the Italian government is looking forward to seeing more synergies between the ILO and the Turin Centre with a a view to achieving more and better results in the next biennium.

In the context of the UN reform, we look forward to seeing the Centre at the core of the future training activities for Resident Coordinators and UNCT members. The International Training Centre of the ILO should be seen as a key asset in the development and delivering of Resident Coordinators training within the UNSDG.

The Italian government would also like to congratulate the Turin School of Development for its solid performance which is giving a very good exposure to the Centre with the academic world and other UN agencies.We encourage the School to further strengthen its international outreach.

Finally, the Italian government congratulates the Director and his management team in continuing in the containment of costs and in handling well the available resources with a view to consolidating the financial sustainability of the Turin Centre.